Mr Brandon Senekal underwent a left knee replacement operation in October 2015. He is a very keen cyclist. He sent me a message after he had completed the Argus Cycle tour on Sunday 6th March 2016 letting me know it had gone well.
It is a real testament to his commitment in terms of preparation for the surgery and hard work thereafter to be able to ride a 110km race with some serious hills so soon after the operation. Congratulations Brandon! You may not have had your fastest Argus this year, but you win a prize for quick recovery!
He sent me some wise words after the race that he would like to pass on. He says: “Key to healing: be 100% committed to the challenge, believe in your surgeon, overdo the physiotherapy if you can, your knee is stronger than you think…. Time heals, and…. have a great nurse /wife!”
The pictures attached depict his wonderful story.