Is a knee replacement the answer?
If you suffer from knee pain that makes daily life a struggle, knee replacement surgery could be an option –...
100 Park Runs…. with some help from an Unloader Knee Brace
My father-in-law, Claude Claassen, has osteoarthritis (OA) of his right knee. He is a very active man and we decided...
Osteotomy May Sound Like A Scary Word, But…
The tibia (shin bone) is carefully cut and the leg is realigned and fixed with a plate. This sounds very...
Final phase ACL rehabilitation with some Portuguese passion!
Like any professional sports person he is highly motivated to return to playing at the highest level. He understands the...
Jean has given his consent to the use of these pictures to explain this technique. First step is to draw...
ACL Injury
Congratulations to them on a superb performance beating the Melbourne Rebels so comprehensively last weekend. I took note of Justin...
Wednesday is theatre with KneeDoc
The picture shows me inserting the suture device while my assistant holds the camera. On the monitor is the video...
German Medical Students
We had two German medical students visiting KneEDoc over the past 2 weeks. Julian and Annie were a delight and...
Overberg CPD meeting
My wife, Chardri, and I travelled to the beautiful town of Swellendam last week to present a CPD (continuing professional...
ACL surgery, recovery…. and running like a champ!
The Puffer is a hectic 80km annual trail run event that starts in the Cape Point Nature Reserve and runs...
Sausages and orthopaedic surgery
I had a very busy week with some long consulting days! Patients often ask me if I get tired after...
A cycling wager I thought I had won
I recently purchased a new road bike and started doing some rides around the beautiful roads in the Cape Winelands...
Family holiday bliss in KZN
My family and I have just returned from a wonderful holiday in KZN. After flying to Durban we picked up...
Wise words from a living legend
I received my copy of the latest ISAKOS journal recently. ISAKOS is the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and...
50 joint replacements!
50 joint replacements! The Joint Venture Trust was founded in 2009 but the dream was birthed in my heart as...
Barcelona ESSKA meeting
I attended a congress of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) held in Barcelona from 4...
A Beautiful Thank You
Mr Louis de Waal recently underwent a knee replacement operation and penned this beautiful thank you letter. His writing style...
What is on your mind my son?
Mr Zonisele is a beneficiary of The Joint Venture Trust. This is a NPO that I founded and to date...
Cure Day Clinic meeting February 2016
I was recently invited to deliver a presentation on Osteoarthritis of the knee at the Cure Day Clinic Somerset West....
Knee replacement cadaveric course
I had the privilege of attending a meeting arranged by a company that manufactures knee replacement prostheses held in Cape...
Mr Brandon Senekal: from zero to hero in 5 months!
Mr Brandon Senekal underwent a left knee replacement operation in October 2015. He is a very keen cyclist. He sent...
Argus Cycle Tour 2016
Congratulations to all my patients who completed the Argus Cycle Tour on Sunday 6th March. Having taking part in the...
Over the past few months I have had enquiries from a number of my patients regarding a product called Flexiseq....
A special gift from Hawaii
One of my patients from Port Elizabeth blessed me with a very generous gift in December. As always we are...
Socrates and current medical ethics
Last week I attended a seminar on medical ethics at the CTICC presented by the Medical Protection Society (MPS). There...
Top 20 award for Stellenbosch Medi-Clinic
Discovery Health recently launched a hospital rating system. The results of the surveys they have been conducting over a number...
Bag of Tricks
A recent patient of mine decided to bring along to his consultation with me all the remedies he has been...
2nd Combined Congress of SA Knee Society and Belgian Knee Society, Table Bay Hotel, 1st and 2nd November 2015
I had the pleasure of attending this meeting over the past weekend. Our Belgian colleagues are a great bunch of...
The Sports Gene
Over the past long weekend I finished reading a brilliant book: The Sports Gene by David Epstein. It was recommended...