Kneedoc Blog

100 Park Runs…. with some help from an Unloader Knee Brace

Unloader Knee Brace

My father-in-law, Claude Claassen, has osteoarthritis (OA) of his right knee. He is a very active man and we decided a few years ago to treat him conservatively

Conservative treatment of early knee OA is a multi-faceted approach which may include weight loss, use of anti-inflammatory medication, Omega-3 supplements and injections into the joint of Hyaluronic Acid (known as Viscosupplementation). In some specific cases an Unloader Knee Brace is also of huge benefit. Claude has found that it makes a huge difference especially when he wants to do the weekly Park Run in Port Elizabeth. Last weekend he and his wife Magda completed their 100th Park Run. It is testament to a wonderful life of shared memories that they reached this epic milestone together!