Long Term
As fusion and healing are slow processes, you must not expect to be walking comfortably for at least 3 months after the operation. You can expect a gradual improvement in your knee for up to a year after the operation.
You can progressively start doing more, but always within your pain limit. You should eventually be able to walk pain-free, play golf and even tennis. If you can run pain-free it should be seen as a bonus. During walking the load through your knee joint is approximately 4 times your body weight, but when running the load increases to 8 times your body weight!
The results of osteotomies are generally very satisfactory. It is however important to realize that one halve of your knee joint is severely damaged. With the operation we have only redistributed the load to the relatively normal part of the joint. Bearing this in mind you should not expect a total return to normality.