Before the operation
In an effort to decrease the risk of complications we will arrange for a set of special investigations to be done (usually two weeks before the operation). This is to exclude a low-grade infection in another part of your body and to check for any undiagnosed underlying medical conditions. It may also be necessary to refer you to a physician to be more thoroughly assessed.
An appointment will also be scheduled for a consultation with the anaesthetist.
You will also need a special long-leg X-ray to be taken. This is for me to plan the bone cuts accurately.
We have compiled a program of pre-knee replacement conditioning exercises and encourage you to follow this program in the months and weeks leading up to the surgery. It will accelerate your recovery after the TKR.
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IMPORTANT POINT: Please notify me if you have a tendency to cheloid formation (major scarring) from previous operations or injuries. Special dressings can be used post-operatively to decrease the risk of cheloid formation following the TKR surgery.
Cortisone injections: If you have had a cortisone injection directly into you knee joint then you will need to wait a period of 3 months before we can safely proceed with your TKR. If a TKR is done prior to this you will have an increased risk of an infection developing.
Anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risk of post-operative bleeding. It is important that you should stop using them at least 3 days before the operation.
Disprin, Ecotrin and Plavix (Clopidogrel) must be stopped 10 days before the operation.
Xarelto and Pradaxa need to be stopped 48 hours before surgery.
Warfarin should be stopped 5 days before the procedure. It may be necessary to replace it with an injected product (such as Clexane) during this period. The anesthetist will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation with him.
Hormone replacement therapy should be stopped one week before and recommenced two weeks after the operation.
Herbal or Homeopathic medication can lead to increased bleeding and it is imperative that you inform us before the surgery if you are using any such products.
If you usually have a drink at night, you are encouraged to continue doing so while in hospital. The hospital however does not supply alcohol, so please bring your own.
Click here for pre-knee replacement conditioning exercises