Who will benefit from TKR?

TKR can be considered when your knee joint surfaces are extensively damaged resulting in pain and loss of function and only after non-operative treatment options have been attempted.

There are various causes for this damage of the joint surface, the most common being osteoarthritis (OA). Gradual “wear-and-tear” of the joint surfaces results in thinning thereof and eventually the underlying bone is exposed. The most common variant of this OA is primary OA which is genetically determined. The other type is secondary OA due to injury, infection or previous meniscus surgery.

At the time of your consultation at KneeDoc, the various possible treatment options for your knee will be discussed. The right time to consider a TKR is when the discomfort and functional limitations impact negatively on your quality of life in terms of pain and functional limitations such as decreased walking, despite optimal conservative (non-operative) treatment. You are in the best position to judge this for yourself.

Many patients are concerned that they may be too old for a TKR operation. If a TKR is the only sensible surgical solution then it is sensible to weigh-up the risks of the surgery and possible complications against the prospect of a successful TKR.