The Prosthesis
The artificial surfaces are made from a metal alloy (comprising mainly cobalt and chromium along with small amounts of molybdenum and nickel). There are many different manufactures who design and manufacture these prostheses. The prosthesis I use is supplied by BBRAUN (Advanced Surface Columbus Knee System). The metal surfaces undergo a special treatment that coats it in a layer of zirconium nitride. This prevents the release of metal ions which eliminates the risk of allergic reactions to the metal ions. It also makes the prosthesis more durable (increasing the lifespan of the prosthesis). The plastic component between the metallic surfaces is made from polyethylene. There are a range of sizes for all these components and care is taken to use the size that matches your unique anatomy the best in order to achieve the best result. If you wish to find out more about this prosthesis you can follow this link to this website.